The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 68: Iori Fuyusaka 5

Chapter 68: Iori Fuyusaka 5

Music: A F8ful Struggle (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

I won’t let you get away this time.

Well… The you of 16 years ago. You’re not aware of what happened, are you? That’s disappointing.
…… What happened?
You and I… were in love. Hand in hand, we struggled to save the world.
But… It was all for naught.
Not entirely. We did find the truth. This is but one small part of a massive operation. Even if I tried to explain it… It would be lost on you now. The plan needs to be revised. Please. You must let me go.

You’ve already killed the four that came with you.
You misunderstand. I backed up my data on Sector 0 before the final battle.


That was all I could do. I’m not aware of what happened to the others.
That’s not what Ida-kun said.
That guy…
I can’t trust a word you say.
The 25-year-old Morimura felt quite differently. You said you’d loved me since the day we met. I can’t imagine that’s changed. Please. Open the way.
…I can’t.


Music: Just Because (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

Another dream…

Consider Cute Guy

(Was that really just a dream? Even meeting… him again? No. I had butterflies in my stomach… That was real! I should go back to the science room. Maybe it’ll happen again. I need to look for him!)

Ignore these popups in the next couple images. They’re not new keywords, just all our old ones trickling back in after it forces us to think about “Cute Guy.”

You were absent the other day. Did something happen?
Oh… Um, well… I had a stomachache, so… Yeah. I’m fine now.
I see… Hey, Usami-chan… Nenji-kun was absent too. The very same day as you. Could it be…?
*blushing* What…? Stop jumping to conclusions.
I’m just kidding. I already talked to him. He went on a trip that day.
A trip, huh.

Me? I’m just fine.
Well, okay. That’s good.

Consider Science Room

(Oh wait… The science room… The door’s always locked. How do I get back in?)

Maybe Juro holds the answer to this quandary.

(He looks a bit like the man in my dream. And I called that man “Juro”… It was him, right? It had to be. I know it’s just a dream, but… I shot him point blank. Feels kinda weird to talk to him now.)

And so Iori, overcome by the awkwardness, simply walks away. Which is fine, because Juro’s being kind of creepy, honestly, staring out that window for the last five minutes.

Well, let’s talk to Tomi and Miwako, then.

Welcome back to the land of the living. Gotta say, sleeping as much as you do is a real talent.

Good morning. You were quite sleepy, huh? I saw you nodding off the whole time. The teacher was glaring at you again.

We’ve exhausted all other possibilities. Time to eavesdrop on these faceless losers.

It’s my turn to clean up the science room.
Sorry, dude. That one’s a real pain.
Eh, whatever. Maybe the other helper’s a cute girl.
Let’s see… Oh, it’s Sawatari. Lucky you.
Is she your type? I dunno, man.

Are you badmouthing Miwako!?


Consider Science Room

(If Miwa-chan’s on cleaning duty… I’ll just ask her to let me in!

Use Science Room on Miwako Sawatari

It’s your turn to clean up the science room, right?
I have a favor to ask.

But be safe, okay? Chemicals are dangerous.

Miwako absolutely thinks Iori is getting high in here.

Relax, it’s nothing like that. I’ll be sure to lock up when I’m done. Don’t worry.
Okay… I’ll take the trash out now. Do what you need to.
Thanks, Miwa-chan.

Stuff started popping up right about here…

Iori, that’s not gonna—

Music: The Sector Theorem (Kazuki Higashihara)

It really worked…

Uh, well. Shit.

I knew it wasn’t a dream!

But let’s see.

Iori, this is one of the dumbest things anyone in this game has done yet, and that’s real impressive when we’ve seen Nenji repeatedly get into a fistfight with, essentially, his own brain. But more power to you, I guess! Don’t come crying to me when a bunch of androids tear you in half!

Wait, there’s androids here already? I was just joking, game!

This looks… different… What is this place?

I remember. This is the UFO from my dream.

Is it dead?

Please don’t get to close to those things, Iori. They’ll tear your face off like a chimpanzee.

This reminds me of something… What was it?

There’s text on the screen.

We must have brought them here. Just like in the dream…

Someone’s coming. Oh no… What if it’s an alien?

I see we have our new Natsuno.

I need to hide…

Oh yeah, great job hiding there, Iori.

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

There’s no choice. I must retreat for now.


426… You won’t get away with this.

That again? Give it a rest. There’s not much time left. Come with me. I’ll protect you. Please, Ryoko…

Stop trying to confuse me!

(Just when I thought we could meet again… He’s in love with someone else.)

That’s what you took from that!?

Are you alone? What are you doing here?

Music: Bittersweet Sorrow (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Kikuchi Yukinori)


Oh boo-fucking-hoo, Iori. Sorry, but you’ve met this guy twice for about five minutes total. Just because you accidentally flashed your underwear at him doesn’t mean it’s true love.

…? In any case… You shouldn’t be here. Go back to your sector.

Well, that was… stupid and uneventful! At least there was a weird dream scene at the start for us to not understand!

Speaking of that weird dream scene, no idea what to make of these repeated mentions of “Sector 0.” We add that to the board.